Getting your exam results

Get quick and easy access to your exam results with the British Council. You can choose three main ways to find out your results – the fastest way to get your results is online.

When will I get my exam results?

Exam results are typically available online six weeks after you take your exams. A printed copy will be sent out soon after. 

Where are postal exam results sent?

If you are a school student, your results will be posted to your school. If you are a private candidate, they will be posted to your home address. 

Not the results you hoped for?

If you were expecting higher marks – or haven’t quite made the grades you need for your chosen university or college place – don’t panic. You may be able to retake your exams or even request re-marking in some cases. Find out about retaking and re-marking exams.

How do I get my results online?

Get your results online using the Cambridge Candidate Results service

You will need your login details, provided by your local British Council office or your school.